Trash to Treasure
Good morning!
I have just started a new class which is "Trash to Treasure" this a welding/metal fabricating class. So get ready to get dirty! This class is going to center around your imagination. That's right bring out your inner child on this one! You will be given time to search around the scarp pieces I have been able to accumulate, I would like to state "I am not a hoarder!" I only collected it for the class and maybe kept some.... After you picked out your pieces we will have the rest of the time given to create your work of art. The first class starts today and will go from 6-8pm. The class costs $65 dollars per person but if you are able to bring in scrap steel such as: old wrenches, nuts and bolts, lawn tools, gears, automotive pieces, etc you will get a $10 dollar discount. If you need help determining what is steel, take a magnet and if it sticks to it you can weld it.
I hope to see you all at the class there will be more dates soon and you can follow those either on my website or on my facebook. If you have any questions such as items you thinking about bringing or about the class in general fell free to click on the contact page a send me a message. Otherwise for booking send your email to